Optimizing and Simplifying IT Server Infrastructure

A short history

There is a problem with modern computing called 'software bloat', which essentially means that software keeps getting larger as computer performance requirements increase. In the past, software was meticulously designed to make the most of what was available. As time went on, computers became exponentially faster, able to hold vastly more information while reducing overall costs. This development has led to an impasse where, essentially, software is incapable of keeping up with hardware. As software becomes more complex, it is harder to manage and to find its bugs.

The BareMetal advantage

At Return Infinity we are working on new software that employs the much more simple and efficient principles of the past, as we believe in the JeOS (just enough operating system) approach. We work to squeeze every last drop of performance from the available hardware by keeping the software as lean as possible. We measure our system in Kilobytes - as opposed to Megabytes or Gigabytes. In fact, the system itself weighs in at under 16 Kilobytes. BareMetal has been intentionally designed to be 'bare bones' in order to reduce complexity and to maximize run-time performance.

Our goals for changing the IT world

We want to disrupt the current usage of full-featured operating systems running simple applications, because this has a negative impact on cost and efficiency; the longer a program has to run to accomplish its task, the more it costs to run it. Our system will be of huge benefit to all manner of data processing, from the largest R&D supercomputers or stock market systems, to the corporate sector. ‘Good enough’ should not be good enough. The time has come for a major shift in the way computing is done: It's time to simplify, streamline, and optimize.

The technical mumbo-jumbo

Return Infinity has developed a new Exokernel called BareMetal, where the kernel itself acts mostly as an abstraction layer to the hardware. We have removed the complexity of conventional operating systems like Windows or Linux in order to provide the bare essentials required for running applications. Our aim is to remove the bloated layer that sits between the hardware and the running application. We are keeping the system as light as possible while still retaining functionality to make use of modern technology like SMP and VT-x/AMD-v.